島ブログ Blog

Osakikamijima’s Soul Festival: Sumire Matsuri – 島の活気溢れるすみれ祭り





演奏会では、島のバンドや小学生から年配の方々まで、幅広い年齢の方々が出演され、会場は素敵な音色と笑顔で包まれました。叡智学園、Orquesta de la costaも出演者として舞台で演奏をさせていただきました。この演奏を通して、島の人々に、日頃支えてくださっている感謝を音楽を通して伝えられていたら幸いです。



Hello, and welcome to our Youth Island blog.

In this article, we would like to introduce the “Sumire Festival” that was held on this island, Osakikamijima. This is a traditional festival that is held every year in February and is a beautiful event with shops lining the streets and concerts in the halls.

At the market stalls, there were many occasions to feel the great nature of this island, such as apple pies made of the island’s specialties, sweets, Gansu (A soul food originating from Kusatsu, Hiroshima city, made by frying surimi with onions and chili peppers), and fresh vegetables produced on the island.

The participants of the concert varied in age, from elementary school students to elderly people on the island, and the stage was filled with beautiful sound and a warm atmosphere. Our school, Hiroshima Global Academy’s jazz band, Orquesta De La Costa also had a chance to perform on stage. We hope through this performance we were able to express our gratitude to the people of the island for their daily support through music.

We hope that the Sumire Festival will be held successfully again next year.

Please come and visit the Sumire Festival on Osakikamijima.